Friday, January 14, 2011


You know those self-checkout stands at the supermarket, where you scan and bag your own items? I used to think that they were all about convenience, but now I’ve decided that they’re more about how insecure and self-conscious we are.

I realized that this morning when I didn’t put on deodorant.

Stick with me on this.

I didn’t have any this morning but didn’t realize it until after I’d showered. So I got dressed and headed to the closest Safeway. I snagged deodorant and walked towards the self-checkout and then pondered why I went there instead of a regular check stand.

I went there because I was fearful that somehow, the checker would see my lone purchase and intuit that I had foolishly forgotten deodorant that day and now I smelled obscenely like a pig farmer or some other foul-smelling individual.

Of course, I KNEW that the checker probably wouldn’t jump to that conclusion, and even if they did, so what? What do I care what a checker thinks about me (especially when what they think would have been TRUE)? Yet there I went, towards the self-scan machine in order to avoid a Safeway employee judging me.

Maybe those self-scan machines are more about hiding the pseudo-embarrassing things we buy and preventing a stranger from getting a look into the intricacies of our private lives. So what if the checker knows you like nacho cheese a little too much, or that you’re buying donuts paired with diet Coke, or that you have problems with foot odor…does it really matter? I think we need to learn how to be okay with who and what we are. After all, you have two options in regards to those embarrassing items: you can quit buying the cheese in a can if it embarrasses you so much or you can embrace the reality of who you are and confess your love of terrible food and admit to having smelly armpits.

1 comment:

  1. It's like when my mom once asked my dad to stop at the store on his way home from work to buy tampons. He said that, while he could have been embarrassed about that purchase, no one would really think that HE was planning to use them. If asked, he'd just remark that he had a wife and three teenage daughters at home...'nuff said.
